Tuesday 19 March 2013


I'm still too sore to type a lot, so have a small update and then some pictures.  The horses are pretty good, there's a nasty cold that's going through the barn.  Artemis has it but seems to be doing better now.  Her issue is the other pasture horses have been using her as their kleenix and she's a little...disgusting...right now.  The first warm day we get, she's getting a bath.

Socks and Jimmy are good, they have a lot of time off except for when K rides them.  Socks is in a snaffle for now because K does a lot of direct reining with her, and her usual bit, a curb bit, isn't the greatest for direct reining.  And since Socks goes fine in either bit, we figured it wouldn't hurt to switch for a while.

I'm too sore to do much, but I made sure I got to hang out with the horses a lot the day before my surgery.  I took my camera out so enjoy some of the pictures!


I hope you guys are all warmer than we are!


Wolfie said...

Love the pics. We have had really weird weather here in Ontario; double digits one day and then way below zero the next. Sigh.

Hope your recovery is going as planned!

Ruth said...

Yay for pictures!! Hope all the horses arr ok from the colds going round.
Also fingers crossed you recover from the surgery quickly.

Courtney said...

Such great photos! So pretty!